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From: Jose Turd <3456@3456.com>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.aviation
Subject: Re: Anybody wanna bet on a Deadpool? - 1 attachment
Date: 6 May 2019 16:30:11 GMT
Organization: Your Company
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joet5 <joet5@optonline.net> wrote in
> bEWARE Night Kinh, Arya Stark is coming foryou.
> On 4 May 2019 14:50:51 GMT, Jose Tard <1234@1234.com> wrote:
>>joet5 <joet5@optonline.net> wrote in
>>> You forgot to put traitor donny dump in there.
>>JoseTard - Sorry. The deadpool fund will
>>only be accepting dollars. Not pesos.
>>As you slowly assimilate,
>>Only accept dollars for those lawns you mow.
Dammit Jose, I just complimented you on
your use of polysyllabic words. Then I see
this? Put on yer bifuckals. You missed
nearly every key on the keyboard. Or are
you working on your ESL?
(English as a Second Language)