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From: Michelle Hole Man <1234@1234.com>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.aviation
Subject: Re: Program to train Afghan attack pilots in the US has been disbanded after nearly HALF of the airmen went AWOL in Texas - 2 attachments - File 1 of 6 - AOC smarts.png (0/1)
Date: 3 May 2019 20:42:36 GMT
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Miloch <Miloch_member@newsguy.com> wrote in
> He's an angry little camper today isn't he!....prolly just found out
> his wife's been cheating on 'im with a registered Democrat who isn't
> white. Shit happens when you're a dumb fuck. But his ranting has a
> certain entertainment value.
Scraping the bottom of your thought-barrel?
Reached the end of your lefTard talking points?
Gawd. Here I thought you were a bit smarter than
Michelle and JoeTard. Congrats! You actually had
me fooled! You *are* in the same class/level as
those two retards. Hell, you klowns are in the
same level as this NY demo-dumbass: