"dr. who?" <noemail@none.com> wrote:
>grouse1@gDONTSPAMITmail.com (Grouse) wrote in
>> =ybegin part=1 line=128 size=82167 name=shorts_33890.jpg
>> =ypart begin=1 end=82167
>we had a couple of lez's where i worked at one time and seems over a
>weekend the batteries in their dildo's died, so they went all over their
>place looking for batteries and found the right ones in a clock
>ahh, great memories
Was it the 11th of 1941? Oh I forgot, you have a tardis.
Most women have long hair because they think it
distracts from their flaws. Short hair means
either that she's confident, which is always sexy,
or sometimes, it means that she simply does not
have any flaws.
"Long on hair, short on brains."
-- old French proverb