Icy blue eyes and a substantial form give Colette a leg up on the
competition, would like to be her competitor. Gladly a match of
checkers, just to get a leg up on me. Very prolific model, in some
stages of her modeling career she let her bright blonde locks grow
too long for here, but have gathered 34 on-topic sets.
Accurately 36, because her two DOM sets have been combined
as God intended, with her two GNU sets, being the same shoot.
In fact, those four sets could reasonably be combined into one
continuous set, if some files are renamed to remove the number 2.
At any rate, many of the ERR sets, most of the MCN and all of
her MET sets were found here courtesy of Shorty.
Missing one MCN file: colette165.jpg.
Seeking full-resolution versions of five other MCN sets:
13 - Balance
16 - Log Cabin
17 - Lake
18 - Waiting
19 - Natural Beauty
Most women have long hair because they think it
distracts from their flaws. Short hair means
either that she's confident, which is always sexy,
or sometimes, it means that she simply does not
have any flaws.
"Long on hair, short on brains."
-- old French proverb