On 2014-09-08 08:33:24 -0500, Hugh Jorgan said:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?
> v=uBAC6Y22pyI&feature=youtu.be&list=FLfFhQog961alPAeBhujCXoA
Wow... lol. Fucking cheese fest.
She's due any day now, apparently.
She made it sound like she had just gotten knocked up back in July.
Those of you hoping for prego pics should forget it. That kid is
popping out in like a few weeks.
I suppose they chose not to do any pics of that nature (too bad) ...
but I also suspect that Cristina is pretty lazy and maybe wanted to get
around to it and well... you know... shit happens. There was TV to
watch and texting to do etc.
Poor baby Mia.