From: Flatlander <>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.nospam.christinamodel
Subject: Re: Twitter convo - "twitter convo.jpg" yEnc
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 19:17:34 -0500
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On Thu, 10 Jul 2014 18:16:56 -0400, rebar <> wrote:
>On Thu, 10 Jul 2014 15:20:06 -0500, Flatlander <>
>>>He has come up with an action plan and is doing the math for her.
>>Yeah...because math is hard.
>For Christina it probably is.
>>Makes you wonder what kind of arrangement she has with the guy who
>>runs the site, since she doesn't seem to have much control over it. On
>>the other hand, if she were making the decisions, who knows what kind
>>of crap we'd be getting.
>It seems like the webmaster just doesn't care anymore. It really is
>time for her to get someone new.
>I've worked as a webmaster before, and when you work with dingbats, it
>DOES get frustrating. They send a bunch of half-assed material at the
>last minute that you're supposed to Jenga into something presentable,
>then they bitch if things aren't exactly right.
>This is just speculation, but maybe she keeps dropping the ball on her
>end too (not getting content on time or not sending the type of
>content he says they need, who knows?), and he's just fed up and tired
>of tying up the loose ends for her; saying, "if she doesn't care
>enough to get things right, why should I?"
>We've seen the crappy lighting quality of some of her videos and
>photoshoots. He probably gets those, then sees the spelling errors and
>says, "THIS is what you want to put your name on? If this is the
>quality you want representing you, then I'm not going to worry about
>the finer details either. I'm tired of trying to polish a turd."
>Like you said, if she were making the decisions, who knows what kind
>of crap we'd be getting.
>My guess is that the lame spelling and grammar that's actually on the
>site, like the excuses for no content back in April, was actually
>written by her, then sent to him to post. He saw the 3rd grade level
>of language skills, and said, "you know what? I'm going to put this up
>exactly as it is. I'm not wasting any more time than I have to on this
>It's a very unprofessional attitude for him to take, and if that's the
>case, then he's as bad as she is, and shouldn't be in the business.
I'll bet you're right. It all comes down to money. She and he both
want to collect on the work. At least one of them has gotten too lazy
and is doing less and less for it. So far "getting by", but not by
I'd guess the webmaster isn't getting a hell of a lot out of this. Not
to mention the stupidity he's having to put up with. If he were
professional, I'm not sure what else he'd do except quit. Maybe
that's happend before, and she's on her 3rd or 4th or 5th webmaster
with the pool getting shallower all the time.
A lot of sites die out this way. Less and less content. Then posting
stuff that's already in the can from the past to keep what few new
subscribers there are trickling in. Then nothing new at all with the
site running on autopilot until interest completely dies out. They've
had a good run. Too bad it has to end this way if that is, in fact,
what's happening.
How many kids has she had, anyway?