On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 18:39:03 -0400, Spermy Tonsilgloss
<spermeister@boobonicplague.cum> wrote:
>On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 03:49:38 GMT, boing@boing.com (boing) wrote:
>Faith in humanity restored, I think we can safely pronounce Milena a
>we don't need a steady parade of gapers, one or two of these a set or
>video would enhance her popularity, methinks.
>Of course, much of the NJ.com modelling has been backsliding into less
>pubeage even from proven past performer that exposed their goodies for
>all of us to enjoy. A marketing strategy?
>But, yes, this made my day! (even though I viewed this earlier today,
>it still haunts me in a positive way!)
>There was an antique Mercury set that had a shot or two nearly as
>nice, and one or two in an Harem set. Good times back then. I know
>she's been covering up a gnarly C-section scar but that's a midriff
>not a nether region issue.
>The "special dress" /milnet video is also a highlight for sure, the
>last of them in recent memory.
>Waxing "lyrical" here...
More than a decade of reminiscing - love it!!
There is another video I keep going back to, m_shower from 18 months
or so back.
It seems the pubic issue is one that stems from aging modesty. There
is a couple of new hot younger contenders that are boobs only. Seems
that as they have great boobs that they only need to flash for the
cash, they can make a living while keeping their pants on and just be
known as a big bust model.