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Subject: Re: !! KB7 - Now that Titania is sharp! Thanks Bro
From: Billy Bob <douglasreece12@gmail.com>
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KB7 <anyone@anywhere.com> wrote in
> Billy Bob <douglasreece12@gmail.com> wrote in
> news:XnsAA66263A9EC2434shutthedoor@
>> KB7 <anyone@anywhere.com> wrote in
>> news:XnsAA6657269F1E6942@
>>> Billy Bob <douglasreece12@gmail.com> wrote in
>>> news:XnsAA63C64F5992434shutthedoor@
>>>> Wish she could smile though lol
>>> Hey, it's BareMaidens; they are supposed to look mean and sultry.
>>> Look at the title 'Snarl'.
>>> LOL
>>> Anyway, I've posted her set from Cosmid where she has a lovely
>>> smile.
>>> Enjoy.
>>> ---
>>> This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
>>> https://www.avg.com
>> She's a bit heavier in the Cosmid shoot, huh? AND thanks for the
>> Kelsey. Pierced nipples - looks good BUT it had to hurt!
> I've posted one of her early covers from Playboy for comparison.
> Have a lot of her sets.
> Kelsey; knew I had another large breasted redhead but couldn't
> remember her name for ages.
> Zishy is a bit 'off the wall' but fun.
KB7 - you gonna post more of Titania? Hope you got a "LOT" of her sets