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Subject: Re: !! KB7 - thanks for the Mila - 1 attachment
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KB7 <anyone@anywhere.com> wrote in
> Billy Bob <douglasreece12@gmail.com> wrote in
> news:XnsAA4C3288A28C34shutthedoor@
>> lmao - we ought to start calling you ""Professor"" KB7 - you sure got
>> the knowledge about these gals.
>> ---
> The knowledge is derived from following the photographers.
> When I was a kid, I won a competition for a build-your-own-camera kit.
> With the help of an uncle, we assembled it and I shot loads of 35mm
> B&W film.
> Eventually, I learned to develop and print the film.
> Love taking portraits and try to learn from pro photographers.
> Take for instance the set I posted shot by Tom Leonard labelled Femjoy
> - Elvira U - Lavish.
> Image 65 is a great example of portrait composition.
> I've attached another excellent example of his recent work with Ginger
> Frost (Dara W).
> Then I discovered this group years ago with posters like 'Kinda Shy'
> etc. and started to appreciate the efforts of Femjoy , Met-Art et al.
> Ok, you've had your 'lecture'.
> Enjoy.
> =ybegin line=128 size=1813711 name=gingerfrost.jpg
> Attachment decoded: gingerfrost.jpg
> =yend size=400040 part=1 pcrc32=de253432
Got the ""one last try"". Cool lecture, but honwstly, the portrait
compostion, is that the clarity and detail? Congrats on winning the
competition in your younger years.
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