On Mon, 14 Mar 2016 09:26:26 GMT, KB7 <anyone@anywhere.com> wrote:
>"dr. who?" <noemail@none.com> wrote in
>> Matt <matt.elder1971@nospam.gmail.com> wrote in
>> news:N6WEy.51964$GU5.4747@fx05.iad:
>>> Come on, a blind man could tell her tits are fake. Keep this crap out
>>> of this group.
>> I am so terribly sorry that you did not enjoy my post.
>> I am just going to sit here and be ever so remorseful
>Never mind, she had a killer ass.
Whoa... Doesn't that mean she goes into one of the "alt.binaries.ass"
IMHO <winking> We need to parse out our women for the
specialist/purist folk.
Grins & Regards,