On 4 Oct 2015 19:34:10 -0700, Miloch <Miloch_member@newsguy.com>
>In article <sio21blop9add6pmf5usb54huc99ibqro5@4ax.com>, UdderHound says...
>>Any new Milena Velba videos?
>>Been mighty quiet in here lately....
>I'd love to see her doing something besides vacuuming the floor...
>How's about her sitting on the shit-pot squeezing out a big one!...using those
>massive bags and the principles of physics to get those last little bits of
>dribble-shit blown out.
>If you want Milena, then go big (heh) all the way or don't go at all.
>Comon' lads!...I can smell the poo-poo just thinking about it.
Just grab a couple of vids from 2005, same diff.