In article <VpzCB.194591$AK2.23235@fx34.iad>, vmg says...
>In article <qaxCB.120884$_f2.112345@fx16.iad>, Novice says...
>>Yes thanks, I didn't save any of her photo shots but I bet I have all the
>>videos, at least I hope so...LOVE THOSE TITS
>She was a college student when the pics were taken (I think)...wonder if the
>Russian Mafia ever coerced her into prostitution.
>Do a bing image search for "Yulia Nova Today" and a lot of her pop up
>Better yet go to Yahoo groups; Yulia & Friends.... Many new photos of her
>wedding, her three
>children and co-workers as she works for Avon
Never been to Yahoo Groups...went there and tried a search for "Yulia & Friends"
but nothing came up.