Newsgroups: alt.binaries.multimedia.vintage-film
Subject: Re: Ferl if you can Request Any or all of the Torchy movies ie. Torchy Gets Her Man
From: "fred-bloggs" <>
References: <XnsA7ADB1D217AF3greyherecom@> <59621f4b$0$62985$b1db1813$> <XnsA7ADCF7EDC2D5greyherecom@> <5962409d$0$9999$b1db1813$> <XnsA7AE702A9C976greyherecom@>
Organization: fred-bloggs
User-Agent: Xnews/2009.05.01
Date: 11 Jul 2017 16:08:34 GMT
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <5964f802$0$9703$c3e8da3$>
X-Trace: DXC=SMHADcH1jlSLZ1S<EBWgfVL?0kYOcDh@Z6j<e2[Il_gVQ4O[1bkZfi_j?\EDdZD]MV9L`\6XONRTU>\R4B>5A;2Q>0k20\]\g@Wa4M[A2\LVlS
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Xref: alt.binaries.multimedia.vintage-film:12562
On Mon, 10 Jul 2017 05:01:38 GMT, Grey <> wrote
>> If Giga fails you, usenetserver, newshosting or blocknews should have
>> them. All have trials.
> Giga failed, I kinda thought it would because each of these go back
> over 2500 days. Which of these do you recommend? Would love to get all
> of these. Had DVD rips off sattelite back home, but I left them in USA
> when I moved half way around the world. Thank you for all your help!!
If you are looking to get rid of Giganews, Usenetserver and Newshosting
have the best completion and the full 3250 days retention.
If you just want to get the Torchy DVDs Blocknews would charge US$6.75
for 25 GB.
Also JB has offered to repost the 5 DVDs.