On 2017-01-09 13:43:22 +0000, MrNeutron said:
> Something I've noticed with older nzbking nzbs, the file will show complete
> but when you put the nzb in your download software it'll show lots of
> incompletes, even on good long retention servers, I rarely have this
> problem using other nzb search engines. but maybe it's because nzbking does
> show really old results and goes back further than most.
> rex
I've been looking into that issue myself. (See thread regarding Devil
Girl from Mars.)
What program are you using to download? I have found that Newsbin Pro
5.59 has some issue reading most nzbking files. It may be related to
the format used in the file such that all of the text appears on one
line and gets ignored past the first </segment> tag.
Fred and others have referred me to unzbin and SABnzb. I have opened an
nzb with unzbin, and it works great with my server. Very light on
configuration - hardest part was remembering my password!