It used to be that the only fake or virus postings were for new
movies but recently a poster had started posting classics of the
60s-90s. They are carefully done and look legit but when you unrar
them they have a note that if you have a problem playing (you will)
just click on the enclosed exe. codec file included for you
convenience. VIRUS!
I have been collecting movies for some time but just recently have
gotten around to cleaning them up. I have found many that are bad (
bad AR or bad sound or not de-interlaced - etc. So I have been
looking for replacements. With the exception of this and it's sister
groups I find that most posts on my server over 1000 days are now
passworded - fakes - virus. Usenet sure has changed and it's sad.
Thanks for all the real stuff in this group. Keep up the good work
- it is appreciated.
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