New CC811HBR.nfo
CC811HBR is my original cap re-edited and processed with a High Bit Rate(HBR). The one I posted last week is a lower quality, lower bit rate MP4. This one is doubled the bit rate and I have attached a small sample for those that wish to check first before using all of their gigs.
If it is suitable, I will repost CC812HBR and then post CC813HBR.
As a footnote......I understand that consistancy is key here, and I don't want to step on anyone's toes. Just for practice on my part (I haven't done this in a few years), I thought I would get something out there before the 'Stutor Collectable Versions' were available. Everyone in this group has been used to Stutor's caps for a very long time. And I'm not trying to replace those. But if I find things on my PeeBee that may not be on yours...then maybe I can assist.