Hello, Thane!
Ah, well, with all my studies, I just do not get the time
to upload much any more. I am, at the moment, at our
home in California for a few days holiday, proably going
back home in a week or so. I have added lots of treble
LP's and CD's to my collection, but I just cannot find the
time to spend on digitizing the LP's, it's a very long and
tedious process. The CD's go much faster. I have been
keeping an eye on the posts, which are wonderful, but
have only had time to download a few of them. I keep
meaning to download more, but always run out of time.
Good to hear from you!
On Wed, 4 Nov 2009 00:11:01 -0500, "Thane" <thane100@hotmail.com>
>Hello, stranger! Long time without hearing from you--was starting to get
>concerned. Where on earth are you now--U.K., U.S. or wherever?
>Take care,
><Jeremy@theworld.com> wrote in message
>> Here is a new CD that I thought you might enjoy.
>> Please support the artist by purchasing the CD
>> from his mother at: alexandra.golod@gmail.com
>> The cost is $20 mailed to the US, $25 to Europe.
>> Shipping is from Canada.
>> Jeremy