Newsgroups: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices
Subject: For Amahl - File 5 of 7 - yEnc "New Text Document.txt" 1237 bytes (1/1)
From: snowy <>
Organization: Your Company
Message-ID: <Xns9B3C9A5985D22snowyweathernet@>
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Date: 19 Oct 2008 19:14:48 GMT
Lines: 13
X-Trace: DXC=Qd<7:4GFCW7YUQJRTa54B1L?0kYOcDh@:B:eCnhlWG;==\eEELfT0Y=F401c[KV>>=YJC:<UYF0\3ZNh>Yh?6^50
Xref: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices:86
New Text Document.txt
Glad you liked the Winchester cathedral LP.
However this is not the typical example I would have chosen to illustrate my reply as to your splicing of covers or cleaning up jobs.
As is probably well-known by now, I'm no purist at all.
I rip (mostly!) for myself and when I burn a CD it can happen that I let some tracks by the wayside.
In this case I preserved the two treble tracks that I burned to a kind of compilation CD (another heresy).
I thought those two tracks were quite all right and in this case I would not need a noise reduction job.
I must confess that I had worked somewhat longer on these two tracks with the Roxio editing function to clean up the few very apparent and easy to cut noises: I knew that for the other tracks which I did not plan to burn to a CD, you might come to the rescue, and I knew that others prefer the untouched rip (though not our old friend apparently).
And for the covers I have a rather large gallery of pictures and in most cases I will pick something to make up my own covers.
But I know many are quite grateful when you make those covers.
As for the Riga post it was in answer to a request by someone who seems to have vanished.
Meanwhile here are the scans from the Riga Crown CD.