Newsgroups: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices
Subject: P.C. du Mont-Royal - File 01 of 17 - yEnc "Please read.txt" 1388 bytes (1/1)
From: snowy <>
Organization: Your Company
Message-ID: <Xns9BE35E9B34708snowyweathernet@>
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Date: 04 Apr 2009 13:18:24 GMT
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X-Trace: DXC=51SmUKCM>N;l`aiKB9>hO1L?0kYOcDh@:GUjHgFPC;W6f3QNEbFM_:>L<W8;PecP109><OB<ZB_U;^=;`An]3\e0
Xref: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices:605
Please read.txt
I have gone to my "archival" recordings for my two seasonal posts.
This is the first, for Palm Sunday and Holy Week, to be followed by one for Easter.
As I explained before these are not high quality recordings and in this case I would think that the music will not appeal to everyone.
These are selections from off the air tapings of services from St Joseph's Oratory in Montreal, featuring the P. C. du Mont-Royal in their very early years. Of course everything is live, including the 12 o'clock noon signal and the priest (discreetely) clearing his throat while the choir sings :-)
My tapes cover the period from 1957 to 1964 when regular broadcasts ended and while the choir certainly improved over the years, the technical conditions did not, with deterioration both of the old open end reel tapes and tape recorder itself.
In addition in the later years the choral singing was frequently cut off by a new "commentator". Which explains why for these posts I did not pick many selections from these years when the choir had acquired a certain maturity.
For those who might still wish to download despite all of the above, here is a bit of info.
Tracks 03 to 06, 9, 11 to 13 : Victoria
Track 01: Palestrina
Track 14: Lassus
Track 07: Ingegneri
Tracks 08 and 10: Soriano
Track 15: Gregorian