[Posted with Osiris]
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\f0\fs24 \cf0 This isn't a standard CR repost: the clicks were minimal. The noise that bothered me sounded like a kind of low-grade static -- "tschschschsch," perhaps, or "chchchchch" (as in Chanukah). It could have been an artifact of a defective microphone or connection in the original recording session, or some problem involved in ripping a 12 inch 45rpm record. (You don't run across
\f1\i those
\f0\i0 very often!)\
Anyway, I managed to isolate the noise and filter quite a bit of it in Audacity. I just listened to the CD I ripped from the modified files, and I think it sounds quite good. As usual, I added correct ID3 tags.\
Many thanks to snowy for yet another rarity. (I think AAAAA is a bit on the high side, but it certainly is an album that will be played more than once or twice.)\