From: amahl <>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices
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Subject: CR plus graphics for snowy's St. Petri/Hamburg post -- see rtf file - 00 !read_me.rtf (1/1)
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Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:23:06 -0500
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Xref: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices:277
...if my connection is working today!
[Posted with Osiris]
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 I've been having intermittent connection problems lately, which my ISP has been unable to solve because every time they sen a tech to my home, it's not happening -- kind of like when you want to get your car repaired and it just won't make that noise you keep hearing when there's no mechanic present. Anyway, I hope my connection is working now.\
Two covers and two backs -- hmmm, what to do? Naturally, I just did the kind of thing I do, and those are the files named "insert." For the purists, I added laundered versions of the original backs and the second cover. While I was at it, I did a CR version, since all the side one composers are new to me, as far as I can recall.\
Yes, snowy, it WAS the Record Hunter -- I recognize their stamp. We lost a wonderful resource when Jay had to go belly up, back when you and I were not quite as creaky as today.\
Thanks for the music, and the memories.\