I had an LP rip from a few years ago, though the comments tag in the mp3
files said "marek lp rip". I replaced it with this since the older rip was
at 256 kbps and this was at 320 kbps. I doubt that my old ears can tell the
difference, but I like to imagine that they can!
<snowy@weather.net> wrote in message
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 20:53:27 -0400, "Thane" <thane100@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>>Thanks for posting this. It is, to my ears, extraordinarily beautiful!
> You're very welcome. I myself don't think the choir is really one of
> the great but it has a little something and I liked the choice of
> music.
> By the way I think I posted way back an LP of the choir which then
> went under the name of Goes Maria Magdalenakerk, Goes being a
> Netherlands city.
> I went on a splurgeduring a trip to Holland and got six CDs of the
> choir, among them the one posted.