Newsgroups: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices
Subject: In case you were interested...a BBC Broadcast... - File 01 of 14 - "Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King Liverpool_BBC Choral Vespers_19 Nov 2208 .txt" yEnc (1/1) 1139 bytes
From: nene <nenepil(nospam)>
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Date: 21 Nov 2008 08:41:40 GMT
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Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King Liverpool_BBC Choral Vespers_19 Nov 2208 .txt
Ok here is the text and info notes:
This week it is Choral Vespers instead of Choral Evensong as the BBC broascast comes from Liverpool Metropoltan Cathedral which is R.C. Amogst those singing will be James Orrell who was a finalist of BBC Radio 2 Young Chorister of the Year.
Choral Vespers from the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool.
Organ Prelude (Suite medievale) (Langlais)
Introit: A child's prayer (James MacMillan)
Responses: Philip Stopford
Office Hymn: O God, whose hand hath spread the sky (Coeli deus sanctissime)
Psalm: 27 (Martin, Cooke)
New Testament Canticle: Colossians 1, vv12-20 (Parratt)
Lesson: James 1, vv22-27
Homily: Archbishop John Onaiyekam
Anthem: Let all the world (Leighton)
Magnificat (James MacMillan)
Final Hymn: Hail redeemer, King divine (King Divine)
Motet: Salve regina (Timothy Noon)
Organ Voluntary: Festival Fanfare (Leighton)
Director of music: Timothy Noon
Organist: Richard Lea.
Advance Notice : Next week the service from Newcastle Cathedral is being sung by the Cathedral Lay Clerks so there will be no trebles.