Newsgroups: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices
Subject: WSK in Bach Cantatas - File 01 of 10 - yEnc "About the post.txt" 1311 bytes (1/1)
From: snowy <>
Organization: Your Company
Message-ID: <Xns9EAA905383950snowyweathernet@>
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Date: 16 Mar 2011 18:11:16 GMT
Lines: 14
X-Trace: DXC=\Xd_d;UaAE7hn]AcMfkkb9L?0kYOcDh@:>4bi8eR:fM:B2^i4h45i\:JA>58nC`281okM03nIAC09iZ`b1LK^HC57WbR^lI?822`?WIbU`bk_6
Xref: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices:1919
About the post.txt
I have to give some info regarding this post.
What I have in my collection is a music tape on which what I presume is an LP was recorded.
This came from a correspondent and I'm embarrassed to say, that I can't recall who it was!
It was during the years where I had many exchanges with different people through the postal mail.
We used to tape recordings and we exchanged the tapes.
In this case, the tape includes excerpts from three Bach cantatas with the WSK.
On my tape there are written notes from that person in which the soprano and alto soloists are
identified as being the Jankowitsch twins.
The covers I'm posting are not of my doing, and I don't know If they were the work of that person or
if I got them later.
There is a problem.
The cover is taken from the front cover of the LP in which the twins had solos (soli).
That LP was published in the mid fifties.
The LP recorded on the tape is not identified but I looked at Google and found out that there is an
WSK LP with the exact same cantatas. But it is a 1966 or something recording which of course means
that the soloists cannot be the Jankowitsch twins.
Anyway I think this is a very nice recording, despite some minor surface noises and I decided to
post it even if maybe the info was wrong.