"snowy" <snowy@weather.net> wrote in message
> This is a rather amazing coincidence. I had prepared this post for a
> friend
> who is a big fan of Peter Jelosits.
> And just as I get ready to upload my post, I see that swerik has posted a
> nice selection of his own.
> In this 1982 recording, which by the way might well be a repost,Peter
> Jelosits appears as a Tenor in one of the masses.
> I posted the contents of a CD lowcost reissue of an LP that I also have.
> I thought I could make my point that in many cases the presentation of an
> LP was much nicer...
> I guess sometimes "old" can still be good :-)
I would surely have to agree that the LP cover, in addition to the abundance
of information on the back, had a nicer front. The photo of the WSK may seem
a little trite, but the CD cover looks more suitable for a diving
competition (at least to my eyes).
In any event, thanks for a very listenable post.