"nene" <nenepil(nospam)@excite.com> wrote in message
> Hi:
> mmmhh, i know that cd !...yeah ! i know it !
> For your some body i know used the Axe and threw away all the covers i
> gave
> him...hehehe
> Ok here are the covers of that cd
> nene
Hi nene,
Well I cannot say I'm surprised that you came up with these, and your covers
do indeed work better. The yellow was previously invisible, and I did not
even know the tracks were numbered. I've made a new insert that I am posting
as "KoledyRev.jpg" although it still suffers a little from some jpeg
artifacts--nothing I can do about that. I've cropped & resized as always to
make a folded insert for a case front. People who like album art on their
computers can use almost any free software to cut out the front half.
Many thanks,