Newsgroups: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices
Subject: For Thane - File 1 of 1 - yEnc "New Text Document.txt" 574 bytes (1/1)
From: snowy <>
Organization: Your Company
Message-ID: <Xns9DC28CE192D11snowyweathernet@>
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Date: 27 Jul 2010 17:51:02 GMT
Lines: 8
X-Trace: DXC=fo1M4IBeVQVD:=ciL5QPHRL?0kYOcDh@ZfaOMK>_7h[Uj2k`\==5FO\L<W8;PecP1PcF1I5JQ_>;[O]2;2A6XJ@PE\LhO>fFbk[
Xref: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices:1538
New Text Document.txt
I'm sure I replied earlier today to your latest note.
I was sure I had sent it.
Apparently I didn't, or else it's lost somewhere: might end up with the leaks or something.
Anyway thanks for the kind words.
I would certainly post some Poznan stuff for you, but I can't tell what I already have posted that you might have.
But if you know how I could get it to you, I would make a summary list of what I have from the different Poznan choirs, and you could then post requests.
I don't mind posting when I know it is going to be appreciated by someone...