# 28
00 - Choral Evensong 30 March 2008 - Choir of Portsmouth Cathedral (David Price).txt
Choral Evensong
Choir of Portsmouth Cathedral
Organist and master of the choristers: David Price
Sub-organist: Marcus Wibberley
rec: 30 March 2008, Portsmouth Cathedral
(01) Introit - William HARRIS: Most glorious Lord of Lyfe
(02) Preces - Bernard ROSE
(03) Psalms 30, 114 (Howells, Bairstow)
(04) First Lesson: Daniel 6 vv6-23
(05) Canticles (1) - Herbert BREWER: Service in D (Magnificat)
(06) Second Lesson: Mark 15 v46 - 16 v8
(07) Canticles (2) - Herbert BREWER: Service in D (Nunc dimittis)
(08) Creed, Lord's Prayer & Responses - Bernard ROSE
(09) Anthem - Edward ELGAR: Great is the Lord
(10) Final Hymn - The day of resurrection (Ellacombe)
(11) Collect
(12) Organ Voluntary - Herbert HOWELLS: Paean