On 15 Jul 2014 15:33:08 GMT, Bovine <Excrement@Obammy.com> wrote:
>Replicant <Replicant@tyrell.com> wrote in
>> Not that Obama is any better in fact he's worse
>Kinda the fucking point of the book, huh?
>I just want to know when you libturds will quit living in the past with
>your Bush Derangement Syndrome and start worrying about the current events.
>Bammy is fucking the entire world and you still whine about Bush. Sad.
If Bill Clinton had kept it in his pants Bush would never have gotten
"elected" in the first place.
You seem to forget the irony that BUSH got Obama elected, the odds
that someday a Black Democrat would be in the white house back in
2000 were more than 10 thousand to one, what a difference 8 years
makes. Doesn't that tell you anything ??
If Dubya's B-Team administration wasn't the most deluded, corrupt,
self righteous incompetent bunch of crony clowns in recent history,
Obama would NEVER have gotten elected
people didn't vote FOR Obama they voted AGAINST Bush !!
Sorry if this is too complicated for you to follow.
Obama is an insult to his race and my once great Democratic Party.
I will not defend their whoring for Wall St, Big Oil and the selling
out of the middle class, they have no defense at all.
So sad you Neo-Con apologists can't also see your once great
Republican Party no longer exists either, it must be great to be right
all the time and blind to the facts, much easier to hurl insults than
defend your position.
Don't bother replying with personal attacks, if you find flaws in my
onions then explain them.