On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 09:03:46 -0400, Spermy Tonsilgloss
<spermeister@boobonicplague.cum> wrote:
>On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 09:00:08 -0400, Spermy Tonsilgloss
><spermeister@boobonicplague.cum> wrote:
>>What a great way to start the day Ringo!
>>Thank you. No rush, take as long as your schedule requires.
>>Some are coming through partially whacked. But some is better than
>>none! any handy pars? if not, no worries...
>>First few (pics #1 and 2) have not propagated. Astra shenanigans
>>Something about that smiling chuubette that lights my fire!
>Hi Ringo,
>Reloading the headers fixed some if not all of the missing pics
>gaps... I'll try again later to see if some more of the whacked pics
>get resolved.
>Thanks again!
I've just dl'd quickpar - I'll get that setup. Obviously posting using
powerpost - not really used to windows - I'm usually on linux using
pan which does everything pretty smoothly all in one.
Some Alisa Kiss next.