From: "" <>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.jimmy
Subject: "Read Please.txt" (0/1) yEnc 1- 1 Ping Caesar and all other Please read the Text
Date: 18 May 2011 04:57:01 -0500
Organization: ILYB
Lines: 23
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Xref: alt.binaries.jimmy:2051
X-Received-Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 09:57:03 UTC (s05-b01.iad)
Heil Caesar und alle anderen,
Ich habe alle kombination und schreibweisen versucht ich komme einfach nicht dahinter.
Heil Caesar and all others,
either is my English or maybe even too stupid so badly I the puzzles not understand that?
I have tried all combination and notation I not come just behind.
The last word from the name of the Roman citizen? +?
Caesar? Julius? Julius Caesar? Galius? also Wikipedia gave me despite careful search find no success.
Please can someone help me with the solution?