Publishing of Child pornography on Usenet binary groups can give the posters
a feeling of importance and a sense of control over those who reply with
thank you messages or requests for passwords or other specific files.
Why would you expect them to give up the only activity they are likely to
have in their lives, that gives them such a feeling of importance and
The move to wrap up illegal material with multi-layered password and
encryption protection will increase the text traffic from those crying for
help with access, this will boost the posters ego and may encourage further
convoluted methods to hide said material to maintain the flow of pleading,
thus feeding the sense of control and power.
Giving up material protected with a simple password would protect all the
same, those downloading by mistake and may elicit thanks. But would not last
as long as continued debate and crying over the use of complicated security
Given that the posters are publishing material anonymously for others who
they most likely do not and will not ever know, compounds the desire to
harvest as much praise and pleading from the recipients as possible.
Saving the conversations elicited by their postings gives the subjects long
term emotional succor, alleviating feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Large amounts of these back and forward conversations have been found in the
homes of many convicted individuals.