Help Me.txt
I'm sorry to those I offended by posting
the passwords in my text document, but I don't
understand why you're hiding the passwords and
I don't understand how exposing the passwords
puts any group in a "compromise" situation.
Actually, all that does is let the door open
for new posters to come in to receive/contribute
to your friendly group.
If you look at my posts in AFP, you'll notice
that my password is posted with every posting I
ever posted. In fact, I don't hide the password
at all. I post it multiple times so everyone
can see it. The only objective of a password
as I understand it from my Fort friend Doc
is to keep your usenet account from being banned
by people who may "accidentally" stumble upon
your posts that may be offensive to them and
then they report your subject as offensive
Otherwise, the passwords have no purpose
other than confusing other lurkers and people who
desire to contribute to the group like myself.
We use the passwords to keep out the people
who are off topic, and we show the passwords to
let in the people who are on topic. :)
I think what our (and I say our loosely because
all of you except one person ignored my post for
help) group needs is a FAQ that helps new people
understand how to download these files and what
password is used to open them.
I still have questions about your posts. Maybe
some kind soul who isn't shadowing over the
passwords will help me to understand how to assemble
the posts here. Someone said something about
a TrueCrypt Container and "keyfiles." How do I get
the TrueCrypt Container (is it downloadable for free?)
and where do I find these keyfiles?
Thank you in advance to anyone who replies to this.
Please mail me at or reply
to this thread so I (and others I'm sure) will see it.
Smiles A Lot
P.S. {{{{{{{{Hugs to all boylovers out there}}}}}}}}}
Hang in there! You're NOT alone! And it's perfectly
okay to love a boy! Just be safe about it!