On 2019-09-16 15:57:52 +0000, heyman said:
> On 2019-09-16 15:52:40 +0000, Satanic Mechanic said:
> It JUST finished. Give it time. Giganews aint what it used to be.
> Also,
> I suggest bailing from Giganews and jumping to something like Newgroup
> Ninja. The price and performance difference are night and day. It's
> like how giganews felt years ago when first signing up. My retention
> is back, my 500 Mbps pipe is full, and my wallet has more cash!
Ah you know what happened? It thinks it's only 37.1 MB, but at least
for me on Ninja, if I download it, it "keeps going" to the full 110 MB
Try downloading it anyway and see what you get? I veriified I have all
the way through Robins news at the end.