JM <> wrote:
>On Sat, 01 Dec 2018 22:47:50 -0800, Mitur Binsderty <> wrote:
>>Joshua Katt <> wrote:
>>>Thanks, any Win 7 codes, home or Pro? Thanks
>>>Have just about any show since 1994, ask away...
>>Joshua, I know you know your Stern history better than me. Do you
>>remember the reason for the Stern-Snapple falling out? Was it as
>>simple as they stopped advertising or was there a certain reason why?
>>And if you recall a timeframe, do you have any "tapes" with Stern
>>talking about it?
>Quaker bought Snapple, pulled its advertising from the Stern show (and
>I believe the Limbaugh show too), and badmouthed them as shows they
>didn't want the brand associated with.
Thank you.