Beelzabozo <> wrote:
>FUCK me, dude. I have never hated Ronnie more than I do right now. What an
>insecure, narcissistic piece of shit. YES, I'm totally jealous. I'm a 42 year
>old single white male. I'm not fat and reasonably good looking, and I'm having a
>hard time finding a halfway decent looking woman to give me the time of day.
I've been there too, and I'm what most people consider rich, though I
don't show it. In the mean time, do not despair, be true to your
feelings, times will change and your oppression will end. And above
all, be proud to be a boy lover. lol
>Then, here's this old, stupid asshole who doesn't appreciate what he's got and
>it makes me fucking nuts.
And she's got a nice smooth pussy. It doesn't stick out like a lot of
them do. But the question is; would you let her strap on a dildo and
ram it up your ass?