I am happy to say that with the additional pars (after renaming) I was
able to repair this collection (11 hours on my crappy laptop) using
I hope Balloon Knot will be able to help you figure out how to get
yours to repair as well. It's been quite a journey
Good luck!
On Sun, 22 Jun 2014 01:18:33 -0500, Tom Kane <tomkane@tomkane.com>
>Thanks so much Balloon Knot!
>When I put the pars in, quickpar said that it had enough par files to repair.
>I started the process but after a long time, it got to a point where it said it
>needed 1,545 more blocs, and just stopped.
>Can you help tell me what to do? When I started the process it said I had
>enough pars to repair, but as it went through the process of repairing, it got
>to this point and froze.
>I'm not sure what to do. Any advice at all?
>In reply to "balloon@knot.com (Balloon Knot)" who wrote the following:
>> You will need to rename these files to remove the word "ADDITIONAL PARS"
>> from the filenames. This means that the newer 119KB .par2 file will
>> replace the older one.
>> Once this is done, QuickPar (etc.) will use the new blocks IN ADDITION
>> to the old ones, rather than INSTEAD OF the old ones.
>> Ballon Knot ( * )