Newsgroups: alt.binaries.howard-stern
Subject: Re: Remember when the Stern Show had naked women?
From: me <>
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Date: 25 Mar 2015 01:35:16 GMT
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Yes, I remember when the radio show AND Howard's overall repuation were
dragged down for some stupid whore to babble lies and show her fake shit.
Some of the segments were interesting (it's just wrong, a few others) but
the fucking dumb whore parade on the sibian was just killing me.
Maybe he grew the fuck up a bit. The E show is the reason he was always
considered trashy, and why I listened to every minute of the radio show,
but was not willing to say I was a fan, because MOST of America was exposed
to howard only as a fucking douche clown drooling on numb whores.
With no television silliness to ruin the show, the radio show is now what
it always could have been, and he would have been respected.
MOney or fame being the goal, the E show made him trashy to most of
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