NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:34:03 -0600
From: "Dave" <>
Subject: Re:Re: X - ATTN: Tommy Boy
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.howard-stern
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:33:45 -0800
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You listened to the show in 1981? Talking about a real insider.
Compared to that I'm a newbie. The first time I listened to the show was in 2004, when
there was talk about Opie & Anthony (whom I also never heard of) going to this new
satellite radio.
Everybody mentioned (from my perspective) "this guy Howard Stern". So I had to check out
what all the fuzz was about (from my perspective) "this guy Howard Stern".
It was pretty much that time:
I remember Howard arguing with Ronnie about the new limo that looked ridiculous. - I
never heard anything like that before. And the rest is history.
So, my time (favorite years) was between 11/2004 and the end of 2009. Friggin Artie was
funny, even when he was sleeping during the show. That's funny: Either you have it or
you don't. - The whole team was on fire. They had so many interesting discussions.
Like I mentioned before: It was a soap opera about the Stern Show staff. That made it
interesting. And of course all the looney characters that found their way to the show.
An interesting(!) guest/celebrity: That was an extra.
Todays celebrities are empty. And they can't even pretend to be special anymore. One
look at TMZ, and all you see is animals and trailer trash. - Or they're downright
Quentin Tarantino is a good interview. When he talks about his work, that's interesting.
Really creative. His new project "The Hateful Eight" is the only(!) new movie I'm
looking forward too.
New movies suck. Who cares about a J.J.- & Disney-ficated Star Wars? I don't. - I'm just
waiting for a Star Wars Musical by Disney. Or how about an animated series of the
original trilogy? With Darth Vader, having a parrot on his shoulder. lol
Back to the show: Thanks to technology I can have my whole Stern Show Archive (audio and
video) on one(!) 2.5" HDD. So I can relive the good times of the show.
I just have to listen to the new shows too. It's an addiction. The hope of catching a
It's as if there was "The Big Lebowski II" and you watch it in hope it has something of
the original. You just know it's going to suck, but...
For me, the funniest movie ever: The Big Lebowski.
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