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Fallout 3 GotY UNCUT DVD 2
Origin .....: PAL / RF
Company ....: Ubisoft / Bethesda
Console ....: XBOX360
Filename ...: gf-f3goty.XXX
Files ......: 77 x 100 MB
Source .....: DVD9
Genre ......: RPG / FPS
Supplier ...: The Lord himself
Rel.Date ...: 23.10.2009
Languages : GER only
We only decide to Release DVD2 because DVD1 is the same as already pred. so its only 7 gb traffic the content from DVD2 you can install on your HDD.
And yes its a 100 % retail version from .at its UNCUT when your original Game is UNCUT. so have phun
When you need DVD1 check for other availibel releases like these
!!! Dont nuke check raw ss before nuking its different from your source ^^ ;) !!!
Ganja FTW !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Redbull, Howard Marks, Gentlemany, Bob Marley and all weed smokers in Germany
Legalize the Shit, its just a plant ;)
Go grow some good weed ;) And smoke some Spliffs ;)
Marihuana is the healing of the Nation ! ;)
We search
secure .hu gbits
Or free Weed ;)
FW Notes : requires iXtreme v1.51 or later :D wave 3 stealth check abgx
tHC ;)