On Sat, 07 Mar 2015 18:53:47 -0800, "Night.Reader" <Night.Reader@somewhere.net>
>When you get done, use Dark's Boot & Nuke to erase all hard drives and
>jump drives used. Then depending on how paranoid you are, load a
>different operating system on the lap top, or dump it too. Personally
>I continue to use mine to post with, just a different place every
Far better off to not write anything at all to a hard drive. Simply use a Linux
Tails LiveCD.
If you must utilize a hard drive and whatever you have on it could put you in
jeopardy, dismantle the drive and use a grinder to remove the magnetic layer
from both sides of each disc, then cut the discs up into little pieces and
dispose of them in batches at different locations.