On Thu, 24 Mar 2016 13:47:42 -0400, Vreejack
<homeless.beggar@internet.crossroads.usa> wrote:
>This one has also not been curated. Spanky will get around to it eventually, I assume.
It's in the queue, it's in the queue! ;-)
Although I wouldn't hold my breath. See, I'm methodical, and to do
"GR2 - Dungeons of Mystery" I gotta do "GR1 - Strongholds" first. And
GR1 has /six/ big poster maps that need stitching together... and they
aren't even /interesting/ poster maps (nor, for that matter, are all
the "panels" included in the PDF I have). So you can imagine that this
book - and thus GR2 - are pretty low on my priority list.
But I'll get to it... eventually ;-)
(Just looking at GR2 now... it has the same sort of poster-maps as
GR2... except even more boring. I wonder if I'll even bother...)