On Tue, 22 Sep 2015 23:54:42 -0400, Spanky The Man
<SpankyTheMan@gmail.com> wrote:
>So, that's it for my very-slow-flood.
>60+ books, compromising the "Core-plus" of 2nd Edition Advanced
>Dungeons and Dragons rules. If you hadn't the books in your collection
>before, I think you'll be happy with these uploads. If you already had
>them, I still think it's worth downloading my versions since they are
>all nicely OCRd and bookmarked, all in a way that makes them work
>together in a nice collection. Plus the "complete" Spell Compendiums,
>Encylopedia Magica and Monstrous Manuals are useful for DMs-on-the-go
>who would rather have a handful of files than haul around 30+ books.
>In any event, I hope this mini-flood works as a reminder that this
>newsgroup isn't entirely dead yet and encourages others to upload as
>well. As for me, I'm done for now; I think I'll go back into
>lurker-mode for a while so its all up to the rest of you now. ;-)
I would love to. But I'm not good with the abuse mails i receive.