What I’m trying to do here is to gather some things that wide public
nets bring to us every day and post them here. Some of the reasons are:
- Saves you time and effort scouring the webs (and click-closing
multiple pop-up windows)
- Preserves books for longer as file lockers and flimsy torrents tend
to disappear quickly
- Introduces some variety of an unexpected kind
- Brings more life to the group
I’ll try to be regular, but the catch will vary in quantity from day to
day. All the content is not shared by me originally - I’m just
relocating it to a place with better retention. I will be adding some
of my acquisitions eventually, but not before I find some time to clean
hundreds of books I’ve accumulated.
I hope that the selection of books will be as fine and interesting as
in this first issue - there are some real oldies back from 1970s,
there’s complete (?) run of heartwarming Chill RPG (2nd ed) from
Mayfair, and some exciting recent releases. Have fun and let me know
what you think of the idea.
Also pardon the dust while I’m fiddling with my newsclients. I’ll
repost missing pieces if any.