On Wed, 10 Feb 2016 23:57:50 GMT, mjello <non.compos@ment.is> wrote:
>Solly <rlSolly@REMOVEshaw.ca> wrote in
>> Robert Landsparger <rhel@mtu.edu> wrote:
>> Is this the Burp/Skorch DVD ? If so, I will not bother
>> posting my copy as I had previously stated I would.
>> --
>> Solly (remove the REMOVE to E-mail me)
>It's rubbish, Solly. Preview of first four parts is attached.
Doesn't look bad to me. The previw anyways. At least it's not PW Lol
But with 5 DVD & 1 VCD versions (including German) I most definitily
will skip this one.