Chuck99 <> wrote in
> just something 'good enuf'
That's what I was doing/using, Chuck99. But it was also more than a
decade ago and I don't know if the software I was using then will even
run under the version of Windows that's operating me now.
If I were starting again today, I'd probably go here first
and read about what other people have tried and what the results were.
There are more than 26,000 threads (capturing) going back more than 15
years, which turns out to be a good thing for the majority of us, who
are making do and getting by - you can search by the name of whatever
software or hardware you're considering/using and probably get a hit no
matter how old it is.
The good news is that emergency manager Darnell Earley has been fired
after blowing up the Flint MI water supply. The bad news is that he's
been rehired to fix the Detroit Public School system.
- see also Sovereign Immunity and DWWB (drinking water while black)