On Sun, 31 May 2009 10:00:10 -0500, anne hominid <sasquatch@home.com> wrote:
:is it possible anyone could post this film please ?
Chauncy gave you a link that should work for you, since you have Giganews.
It is not a Criterion, however, and so it is off-topic for this group.
The Skata post claims only a single Francais audio track, but the DVD studio
states there is an English audio track as well. (Zeitgeist)
Skata also states that the English subtitle is hard coded, but I would question
that. (He uses an .NFO program that automatically searches for all of that stuff
& then creates an .NFO. I never trust those things!)
Also, Chauncy also correctly translates the title to, 'See the Sea'.
It is not, 'Look at the Horse'! ;)