On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 08:03:06 -0500, El Smeggo <el@smeggo.org> wrote:
:Thanks again for the information. I think I'd go with 3% PAR sets.
:This is my final question, for now: Since my entire DVD collection is
:DVD-5 (with maybe three or four exceptions), is there a movie group
:where lossy uploads is accepted?
:I see newsgroups for DivX and XVid, and a couple for WMV, but that's
:not the same as what I have, of course.
:My DVD collection is broad and extensive, but again, not lossless, so
:I'm wondering what the best strategy is for posting what I have.
Hi Smeggy,
I really don't know for sure, but I would think that any general multimedia
group that accepts mixed formats, e.g., .AVI, DVD, etc., wouldn't care if the
DVD had been shrunk to DVD5. I would mention any shrinkage in the .NFO, though.
Keep in mind that not all of your DVDs have been shrunk. Some commercial
releases are already DVD5. You can check IMDb to see if the DVD you have is SL
or DL. All of your 'natural' DVD5s can be posted on any DVD group, providing the
genre is acceptable.
Good luck!
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