>>I have a question about the Criterion booklets included with each
>Judy, what booklets are you looking for (specific titles or spine
>numbers)? Not every release has
>a big booklet, sometimes just an inlay and/or couple of pages with
>credits. If a booklet has essay
>(s) in it, the text is always available at Criterion's website. But
>if you want them for the sake
>of art/completion, let me know what titles you're looking for.
Yes ...
I have always had a thing about collecting, and completeness, for
years it was confined to collecting "things". That was before I
discovered the amazing array of materials available in certain
newsgroups, and very kind people like you who opened my collecting
eyes to their wonderful offerings online .......
Alas, I have become a CYBER PACKRAT!!!
Yes I admit it !!!!
I was hoping that you (or someone) could guide me to a hidden hoard
of booklets, etc (similiar to the recent wonderful cover post here)
so that I and other cyber packrats (come on folks ... admit it ... I
know I am not alone) can one day have a complete collection of the
series, covers, and booklets and finally reach nirvana ..... ommmmm