On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 20:54:15 -0600, "howl" <howl@themoon.com> wrote:
:Yes I guess the thing is is that Isis posts so much and we've been in the ngs so long that you tend to stick to who you have come to know. I'm not sure why Isis hasn't responded, it is ununsual but in an effort to keep my requests to a reasonable number. And yes please do post the film, I'd love it. I hope the same in the future.
I can never promise a Criterion. I don't control the studio.
While I had 'Angel' already ordered, when I saw the counter-offer I thought it
best to go with that. After all, I still had nearly an hour to go before it
would be too late to cancel it. (I replaced it with 'Night of the City' which
should arrive in a few hours. It might not be a Criterion, either.)